Bus Priority Measures
We've already started on this journey, with all Greenline services (Park and Ride, Hospital Hopper, Orbital and Hop!) and First Bus’s single decker buses operating with a distinctive green elctric bus.
Congestion is the biggest barrier to providing a reliable and quick bus service. That's why we are gradually working along each 'Mainline' and 'Greenline' corridor to find ways to give the bus a helping hand. This can be by:
introducing camera-enforced new bus lanes
no stopping 'red routes'
prioritising signalling for late running buses
re-designing signalised junctions to smooth flows.
measures to restrict regular parking blockages
reducing the impact of roadworks
There are already bus lane sections on the 20 of the 30 Mainlines and Greenlines, but more needs to be achieved.
Over the next two years we will be introducing additional significant bus priorities on our Mainlines and Greenlines routes, subject to statutory consultation.